Tommy McClean Sale Lot #14


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Tommy McClean 2023 Sale


Total Bids Placed:

Auction has expired

Auction Expired because there were no bids
Auction started 22-2 月-2024 7:00 下午

This auction is under proxy bidding.

Item condition: New

Auction Expired because there were no bids

Lot: #14

Ring No. NL 17 1316361

Colour: Blue W/F

Sex: Cock

Top international Barcelona lines here in this pigeon, with the breeding of Luc Wiels, the Gyslebrecht family, PIPA and New Laureaat liberally sprinkled throughout the pedigree of this pigeon.

The sire, “Luc”, is bred by Luc Wiels, out of “Den Dax” paired to a G. Dtr. of a 1st Internationl Barcelona winner.

“Luc” is also full brother to the winner of 8th Nat. Barcelona, 41st Intl. Barcelona 2011 (12,170p) and 1st National and 1st International Barcelona 2013 !

The Dam’s side of the pedigree is a smorgasboard of “Laureaat” lines via the Gyslebrecht family. There are no better lines of performance or breeding than the legacy of this pigeon. See the many Barcelona performances throughout the pedigree. In fact, the sire is a halfbrother to the original “New Laureaat” (BE 08 2222675) through the fathers side. See the supplementary pedigree to follow the lineage of this pigeon.




Tommy McClean 2023 Sale


Total Bids Placed:

Auction has expired

Auction Expired because there were no bids
Auction started 22-2 月-2024 7:00 下午